Soil is an important resource. Every day in Ontario, large amounts of soil are being moved to support development activities. The protection and conservation of soil in Ontario is a valuable component of maintaining the environment for present and future generations. The MECP has developed new On-Site and Excess Soil Management Regulations (O. Reg 406/19) and Rules for Soil Management and Excess Soil Quality Standards which outlines requirements to manage excess soil, particularly when the soil may be affected by contamination, in preventing and mitigating the potential for adverse effects. The regulation also supports greater local reuse of excess soil which reduces soil sent to landfill, greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and can reduce overall soil management costs.

Project Leaders have been defined and are responsible for the planning and implementation of the Project, including regulatory compliance. The excavation, transportation, receiving, storage and reuse of excess soil must conducted in an environmentally sound manner and in accordance with all regulatory requirements. G2S can assist with the following studies:

  • Assessment of Past Uses (APU) Report
  • Sampling and Analysis Plan
  • Soil Characterization Report
  • Excess Soil Destination Assessment report

As well, G2S can develop Excess Soil/Fill Management Plans to provide best practices on how to handle excess soil beginning at the place where the soil is excavated (the “Source Site”), during the transportation of the excess soil, and through to a site where the excess soil can be reused for a beneficial purpose (the “Receiving Site”).